Tuesday, March 8

CU Food Sustainability Project

You may have noticed that Dining Services now offers locally produced milk and apples at John Jay. In the coming months, keep an eye out for other locally produced food like tofu, potatoes, carrots, and eggs. FSP has initiated this change and continues to work hard with Dining Services to expand the repertoire of local food options.

Why Go Sustainable:
• Environment:
o On average, the food we eat travels between 1300 and 1500 miles from farm to plate. Buying from local sources cuts down on carbon dioxide emitted through shipping and transportation, while reducing dependency on non-renewable fuels.

• Economy:
o Generally only 9 cents of every food dollar we spend goes to the farmer, since 91 cents is taken along the way by distributors, processors and marketers. By cutting down on the number of middlemen in the chain, as much as 80 cents of our dollar will go directly to the farmer.

• Way of living:
o 95% of the food we eat is produced by only a few large industrial farms, standardizing our food options and limiting the choices available to us as consumers.
o The number of small family farms has declined from seven million in the 1930s to two million today - and only a quarter of these remaining farms are able to support themselves on farm income alone. Buying local ensures a reliable market for smaller farms and preserves agricultural land around the state.

What We Do:
• Work with Dining Services to introduce locally produced food at John Jay cafeteria
• Promote awareness of locally grown options to students on campus through educational materials and events

Things You Can Do:
• Submit comment cards to Dining Services to show your appreciation for their switch to local.
• As an alternative to a grocery store, try out the Greenmarket every Thursday between 114th and 115th on Broadway.
• When shopping at a grocery store, seek out and chose local options when available.
• Stay informed. Check out the FSP website for information www.gosustainable.blogspot.com.
• Join FSP- meetings are every Monday at 8 in Lerner Piano Lounge.


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