Saturday, August 30

Cubs Camp Pics & CUFSP First Week Calendar

We're about to get rolling for the year and would love to have anyone and everyone join in! Here's the first week's calendar, filled with plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.

TOMORROW, 12-1pm: We will be tabling at the NSOP fair from 12-1pm in the J.D. Satow room, 5th Floor Lerner. Come at 11:45am if you’d like to help set up.

MONDAY, 1-3pm: Garden work party! The garden needs some help. Due to recent incidents, some plants need to be taking out and lots of space needs to be replanted with fall crops, plus plants need to be thinned. Come by anytime between 1 and 3pm to get your hands dirty before classes start. Bring freshmen!

WEDNESDAY, 9-10pm: We will have our first meeting Wednesday at 9pm in the lower piano lounge, next to the party space on the 1st floor of Lerner. Meetings will be held at 9pm on Wednesdays throughout the year but will change location once we can reserve a room. In this meeting we will plan for our official first meeting on the 10th (depending on the timing of a Green Umbrella club event). Come learn how you can help recruit members and plan for the year’s activities.

FRIDAY, 12-4pm: The activities fair is actually FRIDAY the 5th instead of the 9th, so come out to College Walk between 12 and 4pm to visit CUFSP amongst all the tables at the Activities Fair. Email me if you’d like to help table for this event and recruit, recruit, recruit.

I hope to see you this week so we can get the ball rolling!
Also, check out these pictures from when Natalie and Becky hosted day campers from Columbia's Cubs Camp in the community garden this summer:


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