Upcoming Events!
April 6th
Columbia Food Sustainability Project and Columbia Dining Services look forward to presenting you an evening of inspiration and good food, featuring locally produced food and a panel of highly regarded figures within the food activism community. The panelwill be held in King's Table, a part of John Jay Dining Hall at two times, 5:30 and 7:00. The panelists will discuss how local food isimportant to their jobs and importance of buying local food tosustainability (environment, community, health). As this will beheld concurrently with a dinner featuring locally grown and produced food, everyone will either have to pay $12 for dinner at John Jay oruse a meal plan to enter. Dinner should be great though!
Kristy Apostolides is the Community Supported Agriculture in NewYork City manager at Just Food. As such, she has experienceconnecting local farmers to consumers and a deep understanding ofthe practicalities of buying locally produced food. Just Food is anorganization committed to improving quality of life for New Yorkersby strengthening the region food system at both the urban and rural level.
Hiram Bonner is the director of FoodChange's Community Kitchen and Harlem S.O.U.L. Food Project, located in Harlem. His diversebackground includes studying at the Cordon Bleu and the FrenchCulinary Institute and working in nutrition research at RockefellerUniversity. FoodChange’s Harlem S.O.U.L. (Sustainable Organic UptownLocal) Food Project connects Harlem with New York State farmers tobring healthy, fresh and affordable foods to low-income NewYorkers.
Joan Gussow is an Emeritus Professor of Nutrition at Teacher's College. She is well known for her work and passionate viewstowards the necessity of developing a sustainable food systemfocusing on locally produced organic foods. Her most recent book,This Organic Life: Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader, focuseson her experiences of growing her own organic food on her land in Piedmont, NY.
Brian Nicholson is a member of the Nicholson family, which owns andmanages Red Jacket Orchards, a farm/orchard in Geneva, NY utilizingthe technique called Integrated Pest Management to decrease use ofagricultural chemicals. Red Jacket provides apples to Columbia andwill soon be providing apples to NYU as well.
Moderator Pamela Koch is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Teacher's College, where she is deeply involved in developing andanalyzing curriculum like CookShop and LiFE aimed at teachingchildren about nutrition and increasing their awareness of theecological ties of food to the environment.
April 7, 4-6 pm Satow Room, Lerner Hall
"Food Crises and the Role of Agriculture: Past and Current"
Pedro Sanchez- Director and Senior Research Scholar, Tropical Agriculture Program, Co-Chair of the Hunger Task Force, Millennium Project
Columbia Food Sustainability Project and Columbia Dining Services look forward to presenting you an evening of inspiration and good food, featuring locally produced food and a panel of highly regarded figures within the food activism community. The panelwill be held in King's Table, a part of John Jay Dining Hall at two times, 5:30 and 7:00. The panelists will discuss how local food isimportant to their jobs and importance of buying local food tosustainability (environment, community, health). As this will beheld concurrently with a dinner featuring locally grown and produced food, everyone will either have to pay $12 for dinner at John Jay oruse a meal plan to enter. Dinner should be great though!
Kristy Apostolides is the Community Supported Agriculture in NewYork City manager at Just Food. As such, she has experienceconnecting local farmers to consumers and a deep understanding ofthe practicalities of buying locally produced food. Just Food is anorganization committed to improving quality of life for New Yorkersby strengthening the region food system at both the urban and rural level.
Hiram Bonner is the director of FoodChange's Community Kitchen and Harlem S.O.U.L. Food Project, located in Harlem. His diversebackground includes studying at the Cordon Bleu and the FrenchCulinary Institute and working in nutrition research at RockefellerUniversity. FoodChange’s Harlem S.O.U.L. (Sustainable Organic UptownLocal) Food Project connects Harlem with New York State farmers tobring healthy, fresh and affordable foods to low-income NewYorkers.
Joan Gussow is an Emeritus Professor of Nutrition at Teacher's College. She is well known for her work and passionate viewstowards the necessity of developing a sustainable food systemfocusing on locally produced organic foods. Her most recent book,This Organic Life: Confessions of a Suburban Homesteader, focuseson her experiences of growing her own organic food on her land in Piedmont, NY.
Brian Nicholson is a member of the Nicholson family, which owns andmanages Red Jacket Orchards, a farm/orchard in Geneva, NY utilizingthe technique called Integrated Pest Management to decrease use ofagricultural chemicals. Red Jacket provides apples to Columbia andwill soon be providing apples to NYU as well.
Moderator Pamela Koch is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Teacher's College, where she is deeply involved in developing andanalyzing curriculum like CookShop and LiFE aimed at teachingchildren about nutrition and increasing their awareness of theecological ties of food to the environment.
April 7, 4-6 pm Satow Room, Lerner Hall
"Food Crises and the Role of Agriculture: Past and Current"
Pedro Sanchez- Director and Senior Research Scholar, Tropical Agriculture Program, Co-Chair of the Hunger Task Force, Millennium Project
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