Thursday, May 8

Planting Date (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!), Pictures, and NYTimes Article

Check out these pictures from the groundbreaking event!

We will have our final round of planting this SATURDAY, MAY 10th at 3pm at the Columbia Community Garden. Please help plant, even if you can only come for 20 minutes. Meet at PUPIN PLAZA and be prepared to get your hands into the soil! Bring your friends!

Also, we need weeders--the beds are looking green for the wrong reason. If you have any free time or need a break from the monotony of studying, take a trip to the garden plot and pull up some weeds! Just be sure not to pull the herbs, which look distinctly different from the spindly invaders. Whatever remains after Friday we will take care of Saturday at the planting event.

If you are interested in volunteering in the garden this summer, please email Kari at to let her know the approximate times and dates you're available to help out.

Shares remain available in the Morningside Heights CSA, but they're going fast! For $140 up front, you will receive 8 weeks of organic, local produce in the fall from a farmer based near Binghatom, NY. Check out his farm, his growing practices, food ethics, and products here. Email Megan McNally if you are interested,

Lastly, be sure to check out the recent article about our fellow community gardeners in NYC, published yesterday in the NYTimes.


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