Monday, February 1

We got a room!

Hey everyone!

So we finally got a room for meetings this semester, so from now on, we will meet Tuesdays, at 9 pm, in 304 Hamilton!

I hope to see you guys tomorrow, we will have some customary Tu B'Shvat (Jewish Arbor Day) foods, thanks to Ilana, and some other food of choice, thanks to Lia!

Also, other news:
1. we have confirmation that we will be allowed to use the greenhouse for starts this winter! in the meeting, we will talk more about individual access, and plans to start seeds!
2. we discussed incorporating the "Real Food Calculator" in CU dining at the dining advisory committee meeting this Saturday, and the feedback was positive! we will discuss this initiative more at the meeting!

See you soon!

Peace, love and gardens,
